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KSP examples

Get all member functions

fun KSClassDeclaration.getDeclaredFunctions(): Sequence<KSFunctionDeclaration> = declarations.filterIsInstance<KSFunctionDeclaration>()

Check whether a class or function is local

fun KSDeclaration.isLocal(): Boolean = parentDeclaration != null && parentDeclaration !is KSClassDeclaration

Find the actual class or interface declaration that the type alias points to

fun KSTypeAlias.findActualType(): KSClassDeclaration { val resolvedType = this.type.resolve().declaration return if (resolvedType is KSTypeAlias) { resolvedType.findActualType() } else { resolvedType as KSClassDeclaration } }

Collect suppressed names in a file annotation

// @file:kotlin.Suppress("Example1", "Example2") fun KSFile.suppressedNames(): Sequence<String> = annotations .filter { it.shortName.asString() == "Suppress" && it.annotationType.resolve().declaration.qualifiedName?.asString() == "kotlin.Suppress" }.flatMap { it.arguments.flatMap { (it.value as Array<String>).toList() } }
Last modified: 08 九月 2024